Laparoscopic-Assisted Gastropexy
Our September 2022 club meeting hosted Dr. Michael F. Smith, founder of Clairmont Animal Hospital in Decatur. He presented and spoke on the preventive measure for bloat, i.e. Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV). The following link is a study that accompanied this presentation which is from the Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, by Clarence A. Rawlings, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS.
AKC agility and rally events
AKC Board Approved Change to Agility 100 Mile Regulation and Change to Rally Events
Brackett's Formula
A proven method that can retain certain from a high quality dog.
Dna Sires Program
DNA technology and the issues required to DNA a stud dog.
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is the inability to properly digest food due to a lack ofdigestive enzymes
Health-implications-of-early-spay-neuter-on-canine-health-in GSD
To develop a generalized understanding of the impact of early spay and neuter on disease risk in dogs.
Nutrition and DHA
How to gain an advantage through nutrition. Making them smarter. through nutrition.
OFA Tables
OFA serves as a central source of information for breeders and owners based on the standards for evaluation. See two useful tables for risk.
Poor Performance or Prostatic Problem
Prostate problems begin to occur in many males by about five years of age. It occurs in 95% of males by nine years of age
Understanding Pedigrees
This article is an introduction to peigrees. Published by Nancy Harper Mulvaney